Saturday, June 13, 2009

Legality Retrieved by PT. Lentera Hati for The 3 Star Plus Hotel

1. Site Plan of BAPPEDA DT II Kabupaten Bandung No. 85b/SP/BAPP/VI/94, dated 4 June 1994.

2. Principle Permit from the PU. No. 640/543/TU, 31 August 1994.

3. Support from the Kakanwil VI Department of Tourism, Post and Telekomunkasi West Java. No. 1081/KWL/BD.1/1094, dated 4 October 1994.

4. Location Permit from the BPN Kabupaten DT II Bandung No. 593/SK.213-KP/1994, on 2 November 1994.

5. Environmental Geology Site Plan form Ministry of Mining and Energy Republic of Indonesia, Directorate General of Geology and Mineral Resources, on 2 December 1994.

6. Statement letter no objection from the hotel's neighbors to build the hotel , on 4 September 1995.

7. Efforts Environmental Monitoring / Environmental Management Efforts (AMDAL) from PT. Mahogani Hastapurnama Bandung as the consultant, September 1995.

8. Certificate No HGB. 65 AH 933. 759 - from the Bandung District Land Office, 6 February 1996 (valid 30 years ended on 31 January 2026).

9. Building permits to build from the PU Cipta Karya Kabapaten TK DT II Bandung No. Development 647/314/Seksi Perijinan Pembangunan (Building Permits Licensing Section), on 20 March 1996.

10. Temporary Hotel Business Permit (Ijin Sementara Usaha Hotel (ISUH)) from the Directorate General of Tourism Tax: Kep-80/ISUH/DIR/II/1997, on 21 February 1997.
11. Letters from the Bapeda Kabapaten Bandung No: 591/536-P.Fisik. Date June 8 2007. About : Valid of Land Use Permit (Izin Pemanfaatan Tanah (IPT)).

12. Letter from the Environment Office, West Kabupaten Bandung, No: 667/21/KLH on 25 March 2008, that study Environmental Management Efforts (AMDAL) is suitable for Environmental Management Plan (Rencana Pengelolaan Lingkungan ( RKL)) and Environmental Monitoring Plan (Rencana Pemantauan Lingkungan (RPL)).

13. Certificate of land prices from the Village Head Gudangkahuripan dated 18 August 2008, that the market price of land in Jalan Raya Lembang is Rp 2,000,000 to Rp 2,500,000, - per square meter.